Web Design

SASS Color Variables for Better CSS Management

If you’ve ever used SASS (or LESS) you’ve probably explored the power of variables. Today we’re going to talk about a sustainable approach for color management using SASS. First, let’s…

Optimizing Page Speed with Font Icons

Page speed for websites and applications is always a consideration, especially for high traffic properties – and with the growing prevalence of mobile/tablet usage, it’s certainly a high priority consideration….

5 Useful WordPress Plugins for Web Designers

One of WordPress’s greatest benefits is it’s massive library of available plugins. There’s a great chance you can find a WordPress plugin for just about anything. Of the thousands of…

The Value of Good HTML Markup

In the constantly evolving web industry its quite common to overlook the value of good HTML markup. From small landing pages to huge websites, the variance and quality of HTML…

Understanding Object Oriented CSS

You may have heard the term before – Object Oriented CSS – which probably sounded confusing and way too technical. The truth is that it’s not. Object Oriented CSS (also…

Beginning Web Designer Checklist

Becoming a web designer today is a very popular (and lucrative) career. Many graphic designers choose to take the web path for a multitude of reasons – more money, more…

Flexible CSS Icon Sprites

CSS sprites have been around for a while, and for good reason. They minimize server requests (which allows web pages to load faster), and they keep CSS organized. They are,…

An introduction to Responsive Web Design

Chances are you’ve heard the term “Responsive Web Design” once or twice in the last few months. You may have seen it on a blog, a job posting, a book,…